
Element 280 (AKA E280) is an NFT collection and token aimed to be a one stop shop for Titanx users. Not sure which projects to participate in? Don't have time to read every single whitepaper? Press the easy button! By holding the E280 token or NFT, it is like owning a piece of every project in the ecosystem.


Element 280 (E280) is an erc20 token bonded with all of the Titanx ecosystem tokens through LP's. E280/DRAGONX, E280/HLX, E280/HYPER, etc. By being bonded with all of the ecosystem, the market value of E280 is a leverage play of all ecosystem tokens combined (including TITANX itself).


Backed By E280

The NFT collection is backed by E280 tokens, and can be burned at any time to redeem the E280 tokens. So, as the value of E280 rises, the value of the NFT will rise as well. The tokens stay with the NFT when sold on the market.


By simply holding the NFT in your wallet, you are eligible to claim E280 Tokens from the Rewards Pool. There is no lockup or staking required. Rewards follow the NFT, so if it is sold on the market, the new user will be able to claim any unclaimed rewards that have accrued.

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