NFT Specs
Last updated
Last updated
Mint Phase = 28 days
NFT immediately available to user for trade and earning STAX rewards
*Burning NFT to claim STAX Backing option is available after a full distribution cycle (9 days) from mint timestamp
Capped supply once mint phase ends
Deflationary supply as users burn NFT to claim STAX tokens forever after
*All NFT's can be minted with ETH in the equivalent USD value of TITANX
*Note that the Amped/Super/LFG versions have an increased cost with no additional STAX backing, with an increased reward multiplier on earning X28, and have the same cost to reward ratio.
All the NFT's are backed by STAX tokens with each tier having a different amount. This adds additional value to the NFT as the floor price of the NFT will not go below the market value of the backing, but it could trade above value. To claim these tokens, the NFT must be burned, and will no longer earn rewards.
By minting an NFT, a user will earn X28 from payout rewards every 9 days. This means a user not only uses the NFT as a store of value for the STAX tokens that back the NFT, but also has the ability to increase their holding of X28 tokens from rewards.