
The Treasury, nicknamed Sol (Latin for Sun), is designed to relieve pressure on the miners to feed the HLX stakers. Even if mining slows down in accumulating TITANX for the payout cycles, the treasury will keep feeding ETH to stakers.

Treasury Growth

10%-70% of all TITANX used to mine HLX is sent to the treasury with the only purpose of max staking it on the TitanX protocol to earn ETH rewards. The percentage will gradually move up over time. The treasury will never sell TITANX, and will always grow larger as more users mine HLX.

Treasury Rewards

The treasury earns ETH from it's ever growing bag of staked TITANX that will continue to payout forever regardless of the amount of interaction within the Helios protocol.. This ETH is then split into 3 payout pools described below.

ETH Distribution

  • 70% goes to HLX buy and burn. This supports our precious miners by perpetually reducing the supply of HLX

  • 10% goes to Cycle Reward Pool. This expands our HLX stakers to earning TITANX and ETH at the same time!

  • 20% goes to Investment Pool. This will be used to acquire other yield bearing tokens for the ecosystem. The yield from that will be distributed to HLX stakers, and both buy and burn pools HLX and TITANX.

User Incentive to call Treasury Functions:

  • Max Stake TITANX: Users earn a 0.1% incentive from the 'Stake TITANX' pool for triggering the smart contract function. This function stakes all liquid TITANX on TitanX protocol.

  • Claim and Distribute ETH rewards: Users earn a 0.1% incentive (max 0.1 ETH) from the 'claim ETH' pool for triggering the smart contract function. This function claims all ETH earned on TitanX protocol from staking and sends it to the appropriate pools.

Last updated